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Installation Instructions



  1. If not in cloud shared: Add limepkg-cpq-order as a dependency to your solution.
  2. If not in cloud shared: Build and deploy your solution.
  3. In Lime Admin, go to the Setup page in the settings for "CPQ/Order" and follow the instructions.
  4. Configure the add-on.
  5. Configure in LISA.


  1. Add SQL on Update for article.grossmarginratio. It's found in a text file in the folder lisa\sql_on_update.
  2. Add a Quote option with tender as the key to document.type, unless a suitable option to be used for quotes already exists.
  3. Change the setting Update if relation is changed to Yes on the dealarticles tab on the deal card. 1
  4. Change the setting Update if relation is changed to Yes on the orderrows tab on the order card. 1
  5. Set a smart default value on the article.vat field. This can depend on the country. Maybe this table can be of help.

If Also Using the Desktop Client

Even if the CPQ/Order guide is not possible to use in the desktop client, you may still see the underlying data in the desktop client, if that is used.

  1. Add the icons for order, orderrow, dealarticle, article and articlegroup. The icons are found in the folder lisa\icons in the LIP package. If you cannot find the tables in LISA, refresh the browser.
  2. Add descriptive expressions for order, orderrow, dealarticle, article and articlegroup. The descriptive expressions are found in text files in the folder lisa\descriptives.
  3. Add option queries for dealarticle.article and orderrow.article. The queries are found in text files in the folder lisa\optionqueries.
  4. If the users need to adjust the VAT levels on the article, dealarticle or orderrow cards in the desktop client: Make sure the suggested VAT levels are set according to the country rules in the options on the fields dealarticle.vat, orderrow.vat and article.vat (they share option lists, so updating one should fix the other). Standard levels for the different countries are found below.

Suggested VAT levels:


Valid VAT Levels

Country VAT levels (default in bold)
Sweden 0, 6, 12, 25
Denmark 25
Norway 10, 15, 25
Finland 10, 14, 24

  1. The tabs are hidden by default, make sure to show hidden fields in LISA. If Update if relation is changed is not set to Yes, duplicates may be created