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Common Issues

Article or Articlegroup are not shown in guides


When adding a new row in the guides, the article or article group are not available.


Make sure that the article or article group has active set to true. Also note that setting active to false an article group, doesn't automatically disable articles in that article group. These must also be set to active false one by one.

Error saving


The changes in the guides are not saved to the database.


You should get an error message indicating what's wrong.

  • If no error message is shown, check the server logs and the network log in the browser.
  • If the tables and fields were create manually double check they're all correctly configured.
  • Check that the config in Lime Admin saves correctly.

No Suggestions when including a relation field as an extra property


You configured a relation field to show as an extra property that uses an option query filter and depends on %activeObject%. Like e.g. this filter that will filter out any person that isn't active or connected to a different company than the deal is connected to.

    "op": "AND",
    "exp": [
            "key": "inactive",
            "op": "=",
            "exp": false
            "key": "company",
            "op": "=",
            "exp": ""


This isn't supported, because we can't resolve %activeObject% on the quotation tab. We therefore recommend to consider these types of extra properties as readonly on the tab. You can at any point switch to the overview tab and change the value there.

Duplicated deal articles or order rows


When creating deal articles or order rows where the price and discount are 0, duplicates are created.


This may occur if the Update if relation is changed setting on deal articles/order rows is not set to Yes in LISA. See the installation instructions.